FirstClassMusic offers tailor-made solutions for the musical design of your event, with the goal of meeting the highest demands.
The highest demands on our artists mean the highest quality for you.
We place professional musicians
with an excellent reputation and many years of
the sound samples of our musicians and let yourself be inspired
Center of Excellence
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Pension fund, coordination deduction and part-time
Von vielen Musikern - insbesondere freischaffenden - wird erwartet, dass sie das Thema Vorsorge selbst in die Hand nehmen. Dabei sind insbesondere der Koordinationsabzug, die Teilzeit-Anstellung bei mehreren Arbeitgebern und die Anmeldung der selbständigen Erwerbstätigkeit der Kern des Themas.
Hans Brupbacher, Stiftungsratspräsident der Pensionskasse Musik und Bildung, geht das Thema für uns an:
More "Pension fund, coordination deduction and part-time"
Your music on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and Google Play
Easier said as done. But we will explain to you how it works. First a few things you should know. For example, What is an aggregator? Aggregators are external providers who can obtain a Universal Product Code (UPC) and an International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) and then distribute or make your music available through various channels
More "Your music on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and Google Play"
Who is “right”? Copyrights & SUISA
SUISA: Mediator between authors, publishers and music users
SUISA mediates between authors, publishers and music users such as concert organizers, television and radio broadcasters or online platforms and negotiates appropriate tariffs with user associations that determine how much money has to be paid to artists for the use of music.
As a cooperative society of authors and publishers of music in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, SUISA manages the rights of over 36,000 composers, lyricists and music publishers in those two countries.
More "Who is “right”? Copyrights & SUISA"
Become self-employed
Well, if you earn more than CHF 2300 a year with gigs where no AHV contributions are paid or where you are not employed, you MUST register as self-employed and have your new status recognized by the compensation office. Here you can find the contacts of the different cantonal equalization funds.
There are some advantages of registration...
More "Become self-employed"
Are you already famous? The basics of social media marketing
Unabhängig von Musikstil, Instrument, Alter, Geschlecht oder Wohnort, wir alle haben ein gemeinsames Ziel: "Fans" und Konzertbesucher.
Es gibt viele Wege, online zu mehr Fans zu kommen aber wir konzentrieren uns jetzt auf den offensichtlichen Dienst. Das grosse blau-weisse F-Wort ganz oben auf der Social Media Nahrungskette: Facebook.
More "Are you already famous? The basics of social media marketing"
Private account comparison and the 2-account method
Private account comparison and the 2-account method If you were the owner of a store, you would never think of taking money from the store cash register to buy a new sweater. The money in the cash register belongs to your store, and you buy the new sweater with your own money.
More "Private account comparison and the 2-account method"
Agencies and Bookers – Gos and No-Gos
Um etwas Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen, worauf du als Musiker bei der Zusammenarbeit mit einer Agentur bzw. einem Booking Agent achten solltest, hat uns das SECO konkrete Fragen zum Thema Künstlervermittlung beantwortet.
More "Agencies and Bookers – Gos and No-Gos"
"Wo kein Kläger, da kein Richter“, sprich; es kann immer musiziert werden, solange niemand gestört wird.
Deshalb empfehlen wir, auf die Nachbarn zuzugehen, das Gespräch zu suchen und herauszufinden, wann das eigene Üben die Nachbarn minimal stört BEVOR es zum Konflikt kommt.
Maternity compensation
Das Thema Mutterschaftsentschädigung ist bei Musikerinnen kompliziert. Meist setzt sich die Tätigkeit aus Festanstellung (z.B. Musikschule), Temporäranstellung (z.B. Zuzügerjobs) sowie Freischaffender Tätigkeit (z.B. eigenes Kammermusikensemble) zusammen.
More "Maternity compensation"
The business liability insurance – useful for musicians or not?
Wenn ein Unternehmen bzw. ein Angestellter eines Unternehmens während seiner Arbeit einen Schaden verursacht, dann haftet das Unternehmen. Dies gilt nicht nur für grosse Konzerne sondern beginnt bereits im Kleinen: Mit der Einzelfirma bzw. der Selbständigen Erwerbstätigkeit.
More "The business liability insurance – useful for musicians or not?"
Two new event formats at the Kalaidos Music Academy
Publireportage Two new event formats at the Kalaidos Music Academy Kalaidos Music Academy offers two new event formats from July 2020. It is following the development of using electronic media as a mediation tool and organizes these events via zoom or Skype. An Apéro with… “An Apéro with …” is the name of a new project series in which the rector of the Music Academy, Frank-Thomas Mitschke, will be connected with a musical personality from Swiss musical life at an apéro at home in a private atmosphere. For about 20 minutes, both will talk about the music situation in Switzerland,…
More "Two new event formats at the Kalaidos Music Academy"
Money, work and satisfaction – Results of the big subito mf survey
Money, work and satisfaction – Results of the big subito mf survey In the middle of the corona period, between January and August of this year, we did several surveys about work, money and satisfaction of musicians in Switzerland. Would you like to know exactly how it looks like? Here you can find the answers:
More "Money, work and satisfaction – Results of the big subito mf survey"
Music rooms for practicing, rehearsing, teaching
Neu in Zürich Oerlikon: 7 Musikräume bis 16m2 für 1 bis 6 Personen. Mit Tageslicht, Lüftung und hochwertiger Innenakustik. Online-Buchung ab 30min möglich.
More "Music rooms for practicing, rehearsing, teaching"
Die Finanzierung eines Studiums kann eine grosse Herausforderung sein und gehört zu den wichtigsten Fragen, die vor Beginn des Studiums geklärt sein sollte.
More "Scholarships"
“ For only three pieces this is too expensive for me.”
Unsere Erfahrung zeigt, dass der Aufwand und die damit verbundenen Kosten für einen professionellen und gut vorbereiteten Auftritt leider oft unterschätzt werden.
Vergessen wird dabei, dass ein Musiker ein kleiner Unternehmer ist. subito mf hat eine professionelle OFFERTEN-VORLAGE erstellt und zum Download vorbereitet.
More "“ For only three pieces this is too expensive for me.”"
AHV mandatory or not
Die Sozialversicherungen sind ein Thema, welches vielen MusikerInnen regelmässig unter den Nägeln brennt.
Wann werden AHV-Beträge abgerechnet?
Wann muss eine AHV-Verzichtserklärung ausgefüllt werden?
More "AHV mandatory or not"
8 Questions and answers about instrument insurance
Es ist schwierig und gleichzeitig notwendig, sich ums Thema Instrumentenversicherung zu kümmern. Um etwas Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen haben wir mehreren Versicherungen* die selben Fragen gestellt.
More "8 Questions and answers about instrument insurance"
Swiss tropical wood
Muss an einem Instrument wirklich tropisches Holz verbaut werden, wenn es eine klanglich ebenbürtige lokale und nachhaltige Alternative gibt?
More "Swiss tropical wood"
CITES – Instrument pass – what is it and why is it important?
CITES – Instrument pass – what is it and why is it important? CITES is the international convention for the protection of animal and plant species and regulates, among other things, the import and export of certain materials such as wood, which are also used in instrument making.As a consequence of the regulations, musicians may no longer be able to travel internationally with their instrument or only with certain documents (“instrument pass”).
More "CITES – Instrument pass – what is it and why is it important?"
Tools, apps and resources for musicians on the Internet
Noten bearbeiten, Audio produzieren, Newsletters erstellen, CD Covers gestalten, Sounds generieren, Songs verlangsamen, Pitch korrigieren, MP3 konvertieren und vieles mehr, alles für den Musiker.
More "Tools, apps and resources for musicians on the Internet"
Where can I find financial support for my concerts
IWhere can I find financial support for my concerts? There are numerous foundations in Switzerland that are involved in the musical field and support concerts and tours. Most of the foundations limit the number of applicants by means of specific guidelines.
More "Where can I find financial support for my concerts"
Flying with instruments, a matter of luck?
Flying with instruments, a matter of luck? Can I take my flute in my hand luggage? And my cello? And my double bass? As long as the situation is not regulated by law, the rules of each airline are different. The most important airlines have answered a few questions about this:
More "Flying with instruments, a matter of luck?"
Scores music from the Internet! How What Where? (Part 1)
Das Internet steckt voller interessanter Dinge;
beispielsweise vieler Noten, auch nicht-käuflichen!
Aber wo und wie findet man diese?
More "Scores music from the Internet! How What Where? (Part 1)"
Sheet music from the Internet! How What Where? (Part 2)
Das Internet steckt voller interessanter Dinge;
beispielsweise vieler Noten, auch nicht-käuflichen!
Aber wo und wie findet man diese?
More "Sheet music from the Internet! How What Where? (Part 2)"
Sheet music from the Internet! How What Where? (Part 3)
The Internet is full of interesting things; for example, many sheet music, even non-saleable ones! But where and how can you find them?
More "Sheet music from the Internet! How What Where? (Part 3)"
ForScore, PiaScore, DigitalScore… here come the scores on the tablet!
Apps for sheet music on the iPad or tablet in comparison. We have tested the most important apps for you under professional conditions. Although notes on paper are still the standard, more and more musicians use tablets like the iPad on the music stand.
More "ForScore, PiaScore, DigitalScore… here come the scores on the tablet!"
Sheet Music Apps for the tablet, a short guide
We clarify important questions about how to use digital sheet music for the tablet. There are more and more possibilities and new apps come on the market almost daily... here a short guide.
More "Sheet Music Apps for the tablet, a short guide"
Wenn du mehr als CHF 2300.- im Jahr mit Gigs verdienst, bei denen keine AHV-Beiträge bezahlt werden bzw. bei denen du nicht angestellt bist, MUSST du dich als selbständigerwerbend registrieren und deinen neuen Status von der Ausgleichskasse anerkennen lassen.
Leave the musical arrangement to chance? Opt for the tailor-made design.
You have the possibility to reach us by phone, e-mail or by post, of course we are also happy to arrange an appointment for a personal conversation.
We look forward to hearing from you.
FirstClassMusic GmbH
VAT: CHE-175.266.367 MWST
+41 (0) 76 241 02 49 (Elena González)
+41 (0) 79 711 71 79 (David Athanassoglou)